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No Pain, All Gain-30秒腰痛メンテナンス-

4.4 ( 4704 ratings )
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"Is it all right for low back pain exercises?"
"I wanted you to tell me early if I will get better!”
Movement expert Physical Therapist teaches
"Low back pain maintenance" that can be done in only 30 seconds.

Recommendation from an American doctor

My recommendation: This app is simple to use, easy to follow, has great little tips, and best of all - created by a Physiotherapist who has had tons of success treating back pain! I would 100% recommend you for people who are looking to get and stay pain free! Keep up awesome work!

-Jennifer Palmer DPT, PT

Please see our clinic Shonan Groundwork website:

The voice of pleasure (video) is the result of our clinic.

◆ Patients with sciatica
"At first I could walk for only 10 minutes with back pain (sciatica), but now I can walk for hours. No pain, no numbness. Thanks to the teacher."
◆ Patient of hernia
"I was diagnosed with a disc herniation, and I did not think that I could cure it without surgery."
◆ Patients with spinal stenosis
"Im bothered by numbness in spinal stenosis, and Im told that the side effects of drugs are happening, and I can only do surgery, but now I live a normal life.

We will publish our own low back pain maintenance that we teach after treatment at our clinic that produces such results.

As sales price
Our clinics own maintenance and life advice which usually goes over 4 dollars
We will release this price for a limited time only.

In fact, there were patients who had no back pain.
The point is the trick. If you do according to your order, you will probably get better back pain.
Maintain your body well and overcome back pain.

There are three ways for you.
1, a way to endure pain and numbness
2. A way to keep going and pay high money every time
3, The way to maintain the body, ease with the app